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in ios by (300 points)

Nootropics, or “smart drugs,” are a class of substances that can boost brain performance. They are sometimes called cognition enhancers or memory enhancing substances.

Prescription nootropics are medications that have stimulant effects. They can counteract the symptoms of medical conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, or Alzheimer’s disease.

Nonprescription substances that can enhance brain performance or focus — such as caffeine and creatine — are also considered nootropics. They do not treat diseases but may have some effects on thinking, memory, or other mental functions.

This article looks at prescription and nonprescription smart drugs, including their uses, side effects, and safety warnings.

Prescription nootropics

A doctor may prescribe a nootropic to treat a medical condition. Usually, the drug is a type of stimulant, such as an amphetamine, that can help treat ADHD, narcolepsy, dementia, or a similar condition. There is also raw powder for animal and plant.

Prescription nootropics include:

modafinil (Provigil), a stimulant that addresses the sudden drowsiness of narcolepsy

Adderall, which contains amphetamines to treat ADHD

methylphenidate (Ritalin), a stimulant that can manage symptoms of narcolepsy and ADHD

memantine (Axura), which treats symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

While these can be effective in treating specific medical conditions, a person should not take them without a prescription.

Like any prescription medications, they carry risks of side effects and interactions, and a person should only take them under a doctor’s care.

Common side effects of prescription nootropics include:

high blood pressure

a fast heart rate

insomnia and other sleep disturbances

trouble with vision


Some evidenceTrusted Source suggests that people who use prescription nootropic ingredients powder to improve brain function have a higher risk of impulsive behaviors, such as risky sexual practices.

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