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Rs232 port

In addition to communications between computer equipment over telephone lines, RS-232 protocol is now widely used for connections between data acquisition devices and computer systems. As in the definition of RS232, the computer is data transmission equipment (DTE). However, many interface products are not data communications equipment (DCE). Null modem cables are designed for this situation; rather than having the pinto- pin connections of modem cables, null modem cables have different internal wiring to allow DTE devices to communicate with one another.

Cabling Options

RS-232 cables are commonly available with either 4, 9 or 25-pin wiring. The 25-pin Rs232 cable connects every pin; the 9-pin Rs232 cables do not include many of the uncommonly used connections; 4-pin Rs232 cables provide the bare minimum connections, and have jumpers to provide "handshaking" for those devices that require it. These jumpers connect pins 4, 5 and 8, and also pins 6 and 20.

The advent of the IBM PC AT has created a new wrinkle in RS-232 communications. Rather than having the standard 25-pin connector, this computer and many new expansion boards for pc's feature a 9-pin serial port. To connect this port to a standard 25- pin port, a 9- to 25-pin adaptor cable may be utilized, or the user may create his own cable specifically for that purpose.

Selecting a Rs232 Cable

The major considerations in choosing an RS-232 cable are based upon the devices to be connected. First, are you connecting two DTE devices (null modem cable) or a DTE device to a DCE device (modem cable)? Second, what connectors are required on each end, male or female, and 25 or 9-pin (AT style)? Usually, it is recommended that the user obtain the two devices to be connected, and then determine which cable is required.

Wiring a Rs232 interface

Most RS-232 devices will operate with only 3 signal wires: Transmit (TX), Receive (RX) and Ground (GND). In order for two RS-232 devices to communicate, you must connect the TX from one instrument to the RX of the second instrument, and vice versa.

The Ground pins must be connected together. Keep in mind that a 25 pin RS-232 port on a PC trasmits on pin 2 and receives on pin 3, and Ground is pin 7. A 9-pin RS-232 port on a PC transmits on pin 3, receives on pin 2 and Ground is pin 5.

You cannot simply connect two devices with a serial cable simply because the connectors fit. You must verify the functions of each pin on each device, as well as verify whether or not the cable is a straight-through or null-modem cable.

RS485 Cable

RS485 cable needs 3 conductors and a shield. Many people say it's a two-wire network but it is not. Two conductors are used to carry the RS485 Differential voltage signal. The Shield is connected to earth/ground at one end only and provides shielding against induced noise.

Why Do You Need A Special Serial (USB-TTL) Cable to Debrick Your Router?

First of all I recommend the USB-to-Serial Cable: 3.3V TTL cable that is available here. They come with different types of connectors Bare Wire, 6 Pin SIP and Audio Plug Connector.

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