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in ios by (290 points)

2 Answers

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by (610 points)
Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed.

Pagination is one form of lazy loading and its done in memmbles project. Please check the code for better understanding of how to implement lazy loading in an ios projects.
0 votes
by (380 points)

Lazy initialization (also sometimes called lazy instantiation, or lazy loading) is a technique for delaying the creation of an object or some other expensive process until it’s needed. When programming for iOS, this is helpful to make sure you utilize only the memory you need when you need it. This technique is so helpful, in fact, that Swift added direct support for it with the lazy attribute. To understand why this is useful, let’s first go over the old way of creating lazy properties.

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